A Report on a Symposium Entitled: “Recent Advancement and Future Trends of Antenna Systems for Communications and Sensors”


On Sunday, December 17, 2023, the Faculty of Engineering organized a symposium entitled:
“Recent Advancement and Future Trends of Antenna Systems for Communications and Sensors”
Prof. Dr. Yahya Antar, a professor at the Royal Canadian Military College, gave a highly informative lecturer in the presence of a large number of faculty members, assisting staff, specialists and experts in this field. The symposium was held within the framework of developing and activating opportunities for joint cooperation in research and research projects.
It is worth noting that Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Professor Dr. Sherif El-Badawy, interim Dean of the faculty, honored professor Dr. Yahya Antar by awarding him Mansoura University Shield, and the faculty of engineering Shield.

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