arc ba e

vision, mission and goals


Our vision is to have a leading role in architecture academic education that is locally aware, and connected to the society it serves.


The Architectural Engineering program provides a multidisciplinary professional education that prepares students to help communities manage transformation. The program trains students to define issues, solve problems, and implement solutions for the purpose of improving the quality of the built environment, while, simultaneously, anticipating social change and promoting social coherence.
Working with people with an eye on the future, our graduates are capable of providing research, reasoned analysis and recommendations on buildings, urban, regional, environmental, and social issues. Education at the Architectural Engineering program is rooted in basic professional ethical standards and high moral values.


  1. Presenting diverse architects with a variety of academic backgrounds, experiences and interests.
  2. Providing Students with knowledge and skill-based learning that are essential for successful architectural practices.
  3. Encouraging students to innovation and experimentation.
  4. Providing graduates with essential experiences to be able of facing the challenges of the work and construction market.
  5. Focusing on current architecture research issues to keep pace worldwide developments.
  6. Building a permanent dialogue with the public society and the government to Participate in Community Development.



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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)


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