Study Systems

There are two systems for study at the faculty

1st : two semesters system

  • The period of study is five years and it consists of the preparatory year followed by four years after which the student gains the bachelor's degree in engineering. The study year has two semesters and the period of study in each semester is 15 weeks
  • To distribute students to the faculty’s departments the following rules were set :
  • Student writes a register application of  his needs to join one of the scientific departments without repeating any department of them.
  • The administration of student's affairs adds the percentage in the preparatory year to the percentage of the degrees of success at the general secondary certificate and accordingly these students are distributed to the specialized departments.
  • The students are distributed to different faculty’s departments according to the numbers that faculty council suggests after taking the opinion of the scientific departments.
  • The student has the right of transfer from one department during the first week from starting study at the faculty in condition that if his total degrees are not less than the minimum of the department which he wants to join.
  • The faculty doesn’t accept any exceptions or sick excuses to change from one department to another.

  for more information :::

2nd: credit hours system .student registers to the bachelor degree in this system after finishing the procedures of his enrolling with the faculty 

  • Student needs to study a number of curriculums that are not less than 180 credited hours (one credited hour =one lecture hour or 2-3 hours for exercises and labs)and passing the curriculums successfully to obtain the degree of bachelor
  • Student’s position is determined according to the number of the attended credited hours : so, student who has registered for 12 hours or more is considered a regular student. A student's study site is known according to the following table :-

Study level          

Acknowledging the student’s position with study system The number of the credit hours that the student attended
general 000 Freshman Less than 20%
first 100 Sophomore From20% and less than40%
Second 200 Junior  from 40% and less than 60%
Third 300 Senior-1 From 60%and less than 80%
Fourth 400 Senior-2 From 80%and less than 100%

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