Cultural Affairs


Cultural Affairs is one of the most important departments of the graduate studies sector and is specialized in the following:

⁃ Personal and government grants
⁃ Internal and external scholarships
⁃ Conferences, seminars, workshops and scientific visits
⁃ Scientific scholarships and internal and external training
⁃ Supervision of executive programs and international and local agreements
⁃ Visiting professors
⁃ Egyptian, Arab and foreign trainees.



Mrs. Rania Ali Muhammad Radwan


Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Noman Ahmed


Mr. Ali Muhammad Ali



Administrative procedures to be followed by a faculty member and the assisting staff:

Personal grants (approval of the department and faculty council to accept the scholarship for the student - security approval - filling out the delegates' data form on the computer - a data computer form for a delegate member).
Scholarships of all kinds (acceptance of the student - approval of the department and faculty councils for the student's travel - security approval - filling out the scholarship computer form - a data computer form for a delegate member).
Conferences, workshops and seminars (approval of the department and faculty council - a letter of acceptance of the research if the conference is with expenses - an acknowledgment not to obtain the university’s contribution to attending a conference by submitting an acceptable research with expenses).

Academic missions and training (approval of the department and faculty council - filling out Form (123) (staff cadre) and having it approved by the faculty).
Security approval (if the period exceeds one month abroad).

Visiting professor:

Approval of both faculty and department council on the invitation.
A security clearance for foreigners from the General Directorate of Reconnaissance and Information, missions.

Agreements, executive programs and memorandums of understanding:

The necessity of obtaining the approval of the University Council on memorandums of understanding and agreements, and reviewing the terms of the agreement and presenting them to the legal member of the university.
The agreement is presented to the Postgraduate Studies and Research Council and the University Council for approval after notifying the General Administration of Survey and Information, Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The approval of Prof. Dr./ Minister of Higher Education to conclude the agreement.

Egyptian, Arab and foreign trainees:

The approval of the department council to accept the student for training.
Fees in return for research services for Egyptians, Arabs, and foreigners to benefit from the university's departments, units, and faculties in research and training.

For more details about Grants and Scholarships, please go to this link:::

For more details about Conferences, please go to this link:::

* Internal and external delegation (conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses)


Sending a faculty member (staff, full-time and part-time) abroad with expenses is limited to two times within three years, provided that the faculty member is not supported if he presents the same research in more than one conference.
Sending a faculty member twice a fiscal year on the condition of submitting an acceptable research.

-Documents required for travel to a conference - symposium - workshop:

1. The invitation or conference bulletin from the organizing institution.
2. A letter of acceptance of the research from the conference organizer.
3. A copy of the national ID number.
4. Biography.
5. Fill out the declaration form for the participation of one member that he has not previously presented this research in any scientific conference with expenses provided by Form (E).
6. Complete the collective declaration form (F), in case one or more members participate.
7. Department memorandum with the Department Council’s approval of the member’s travel.

Scientific Visit:

With expenses for professors only and without expenses for the rest of the teaching staff.
Documents required for the scientific visit:

1. Approval of the Department Council to attend.
2. The invitation specifies the duration of the visit (beginning - end).
3. A copy of the national ID number
4. Biography.

Scientific Missions:

1. Department Council’s approval of the member’s travel.
2. Biography.
3. A copy of the national ID number.
4. The invitation sent to the member indicating the duration of the task (beginning - end).
5. A questionnaire for scientific missions lasting more than thirty days.
6. A declaration that the member will not request any financial support throughout his stay abroad and until the completion of the scientific mission and his return in the event that the scientific mission is without expenses.

Executive Program:
Through it, a faculty member can travel to benefit from one of its provisions.

Documents required for the executive program:

1. The department’s approval for the candidate’s travel on the date specified by the foreign side
2. Biography
3. A copy of the national ID number.
4. Invitation from a foreign professor (if required).

Visiting Professors:

1. The department’s approval of the professor’s visiting invitation explaining the required duration of the visit (beginning - end).
2. A notification form regarding the presence of a foreigner in the country, one original and two copies.
3. A visit program that includes 60% of the visit period spent by the professor at the university.

Egyptian Arab and Foreign Researchers:

1. The department’s approval of the reception of the researcher who desires training, indicating the duration and type of training.
2. A notification form regarding the presence of a foreigner in the country, one original and two copies.
3. Executive agreements and programmes.

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