Administrative procedures

Modifying graduate's data

Student apply his temporary certificates and what proves the validity of modify to his faculty to make the demanded procedures to  be shown  to the faculty's council , then its sent to the general administration to take actions about its modifications.

The temporary certificate is extracted from the faculty by name before modifying and after it.The name is registered after modifying at the corner of the main certificate and its adopted.

Extracting replacement of lost to cardboard certificate

Apply an applicant  by the name of  Prof.Dr/ the university leader's deputy or his delegates ,  and attached with it  the remains of the damaged certificate or police minutes of its lost.

The costs of extracting the certificate are paid to the university's  treasury and the receipt of payment is delivered to the administration of graduates at the university (edition department) , and this to enable the administration to make the procedures of extracting and adopting the certificate.

Certificates documenting

Student apply the certificates that he wants to document to the graduates administration at the general administration for students and learning affairs at university to revise and accredit before documenting by foreign office.

The procedures of extracting the main certificate (cardboard) are finished after editing and revising them by the general administration for students and learning affairs and adopting it from Prof.Dr/faculty's dean and Prof.Dr/university's leader.

Certificates owner applies or  who he represent to receive the main certificate from the faculty after finishing its edit and adoption.

Extracting the temporary graduation certificates

Student apply to the faculty with evacuation of the meant departments that the student had dealt with during his study at the faculty.

Student apply an application of withdrawing his papers by the name of Prof.Dr/faculty's dean and attached with it 3 personal pictures +copy of the personal card + stamps of educational services +payment cost receipt of the main certificate (cardboard) and its 35 pounds and 40 piaster only.

Extracting success certificates and estimates statement  

Graduate apply an application to get success certificate or some certificates in English or Arabic or both of them.

Delivering the cardboard  certificate to the graduate and his representative of  documented authorization

Delivering the temporary certificate to the graduate and his representative.


  1. Extracting the temporary certificates in English and Arabic for all the specials since the high industrial institute to the current year and delivering it after its adaptation by Prof.Dr/the faculty's dean and its documenting by MR/the general secretary of the university

  2. Extracting estimates and number degrees for all the graduates for all the specials and delivering them after their adaptation by Prof.Dr/the faculty's dean and their documenting by MR/the general secretary of the university.

  3. Extracting the scientific content for students and graduates for all the study years and specials

  4. Answering the different embassies questions to make sure from the validity of the certificates  according to faculty's results and addressing the scientific departments.

  5. Addressing companies with the graduates names according to their demands after adaptation by Prof .Dr/the faculty's dean.

  6. Addressing the university's administration by the monthly salary of the final certificates account.

  7. Preparing lists of the names of the graduates include name ,address and telephone number as a prelude to prepare the graduates party

  8. Editing success patents of graduates and the ministry decision and its adaptation by Prof.Dr/faculty's dean and Prof.Dr/university's leader as a prelude to extract the final certificates ( the cardboard).

  9. Delivering the final certificates to their owners after making sure of the national number and registering their data at the special register.

  10. Making the successors statements as follows:

1.  according to estimate 2-male and female 3- newcomers and other demanded data

11.  Modifying the names of the graduates according to the modification of birth certificates and national numbers and show them on leaning and students affairs committee and adopting them by faculty's council and sending them to university's administration as a prelude to show them to learning and students affairs council

12.  Modifying some results of the graduates according to number degrees if demanded and show them to learning and students affairs committee and adopting them by university's council


  • Two new personal pictures for each certificate
  • Copy of the national number
  • Fund (22.5 LE) for each certificate to be paid to faculty's treasury according to dismissal notice that is edited by graduates administration as follows:
  • 20 LE. For learning services  stamps notice from the faculty's treasury
  • 2.5 LE. Salary of patent certificate to be paid to the faculty's treasury
  • The graduate 's name in English and it should be the same as the certificate passport
  • Telephone number to easy communication

1.    The final certificate is delivered to the same person according to the national number  certificate or his delegates according to a formal documented authorization( as it's extracted no more than one time)

2.    To extract replacement of damage or lost of the final certificate the remains of the damaged certificate should be brought or a formal minutes of the lost one and  going to learning and students affairs at the general administration of Mansoura university and pay its costs


To modify the graduate's name after his graduation the follow are demanded

  • Copy of birth certificate of the name before modification
  • A copy of national number before modification
  • The original birth certificate of the new name(after modification
  • A copy of the new national number( after modification)
  • The origin main certificate ( the cardboard)
  • The origin copy of fixing ,correcting and revocation registering at civil register according to place of birth
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