Mission, Vision and Objectives


The mission of the engineering lab unit is to develop both practical and theoretical parts in the educational process through organizing using technical and scientific abilities available at the faculty.   

Provide annual development plan for the laboratories.

Observe and follow the income of the laboratories.



Establish a database for laboratories and various devices in the faculty.  Update periodically to maximize the benefit for researchers and students. Develop a work plan achieving the faculty's vision to ensure rationalization of the purchase of laboratory equipment.



The objectives of the unit are to:

  • Rationalize and organize the purchase of laboratory equipment.
  • Ensure the optimal use of these devices in order to achieve the plan of the research and teaching departments.
  • Ensure the existence of a maintenance contract for all devices so that there are no broken devices due to the absence of spare parts.
  • Function properly in the educational and research process.

Connect with us en

Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)

  • dummyengfac@mans.edu.eg

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