Artificial Intelligence Engineering Program

About the AIE Program

The Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University seeks to keep pace with the era of digital transformation, in line with the 2030 sustainable development plan, since the impact of artificial intelligence has extended to almost all areas of life, the artificial intelligence engineering program offers an advanced specialization for those who want to combine the disciplines of advanced electronics, computers, software and systems. The program aims to give the student basic appropriate information in the various engineering disciplines mentioned, it also provides the student with the ability to self-learning, to complete what s/he may need in any discipline in order to deal with a specific applied problem or to follow up on its development.

Artificial intelligence helps enhance business capabilities in all areas. The use of artificial intelligence applications has caused a major revolution in the automotive industry; For example, Google's self-driving programs use artificial intelligence techniques, as well as logistics companies use them to reduce accidents and traffic congestion. It is also used in e-commerce sites, to obtain a clear picture of customer behavior in purchases across sites, provide recommendations, in other context, social networks use artificial intelligence applications to detect the presence of penetration of user images.

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