Information systems unit

Information systems unit:

  • The information systems unit and decision support was established as a new unit of the technical ,labs and scientific services center(special unit ) by a decision of Prof.Dr/the university president number no.623 on 2/5/2000, this from 22/4/2000
  • The unit directly follows the dean and the board manager of the technical, lab and scientific services.

The works of the unit:

  • All the survey works that are demanded from the faculty to the ministry of the high education, the high council of universities, the university and the other areas.
  • The unit is charged with the works of the teaching staff members unit (the decision of the high council board on 11/10/2000- the decision of the faculty's board on 18/12/2000).
  • All the works of the public relations at the faculty.
  • All the works that are related to numbers, organizing, and offering data for the conferences and the symposiums that are held at or outside the faculty.
  • Making any guide edited by the faculty with cooperation with other areas.
  • The unit is charged with extracting all the demanded reports from the internet, of the teaching staff members, their assistants the workers and also the temporary workers.
  • The unit participates in executing all the technical works that belong to the dean's office.
  • The unit carries out all the works that are given by Prof .Dr / faculty's dean.
  • The unit prepares the annual report about the faculty's activity along the academic year.


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