The Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Word

dr sahar

Community participation is one of the important axes of the institutional capacity of the Faculty of Engineering, through which it can serve both internal and external community of the faculty.

The internal community service of the faculty includes providing a range of activities for faculty members, the supporting staff, students and workers, which is represented in a variety of programs such as health, environmental awareness programs, seminars, specialized workshops, and training programs for students.

Working to secure the work environment by providing security and safety requirements for human cadres and all infrastructure facilities in the faculty, as well as communicating with graduates to help with continuous training.

The faculty’s external community service from civil society institutions is achieved through their participation in the events organized by the faculty, field training programs for students, and programs qualified for the labor market for graduates, as well as joint cooperation in applied research projects and workshops to solve actual industrial and environmental problems.

This cooperation extends through the services and works provided to them by the independent centers and units of the faculty, to deepen the concept of community participation, the faculty has adopted an ambitious system to sign cooperation protocols with many external parties.

Finally, I invite all societal parties from civil society institutions, my fellow faculty members, the supporting staff, the workers, and my students to actively participate in all activities and programs provided by the sector to achieve the maximum rates of community participation.

“And that man has nothing but what he strives for * and that his striving will be seen * then he will be recompensed for the fullest reward.”

Great truth of God
Surah An-Najm (39-41)

God bless and help,,

Prof. Dr. / Amira Yassin Haikal

Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development

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