The Digital Library and The System of The Future

Complete the profile form for faculty members and their assistants:

The University’s Council of Graduate Studies and Research recommended, in its session No. (468) on 20/3/2018, that faculty members and their assistants must complete the profile form when applying for any of the approvals of the graduate studies sector, including, for example:-

-Traveling to attend conferences.
-Nomination for scholarships and missions.
-Applying for research projects.
-Nomination for Awards.
-Candidacy to attend capacity development courses for faculty members and the supporting staff.
-Applying for a leave to work abroad, accompany the husband, take care of the family, or renew any leave.
-Promotion to the positions of professors and assistant professors.
-Recruitment of teachers and assistant teachers.
-Apply for registration for postgraduate studies or discussion.

Accordingly, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Swailem, Vice President of the University, issued Executive Resolution No. (99) on 7/6/2018.
The library assists faculty members and the supporting staff in obtaining them if requested by the digital library.

Knowledge Bank Project:

The Egyptian Knowledge Bank contains four main components / portals according to the interests of users, students or researchers, in addition to many other services that aim to spread awareness and knowledge among the people and improve the quality of education by simplifying basic sciences, enhancing scientific research efforts and raising the quality of scientific research outputs to a level international competitiveness.

For students, there is a special easy-to-use portal that contains a unified search system that is flexible to use to search in thousands of syllabuses of different sciences for university and pre-university levels, as well as reference books from major publishing houses working in this field, as well as the Britannica Encyclopedia for students and hundreds of thousands of real and imaginary videos and images to simplify the assimilation of science from Discovery Channels and National Geographic.

As for the researchers’ portal, it contains the latest discoveries of science from the largest international publishing houses and the oldest non-profit research societies, as it contains thousands of specialized scientific journals with high influence coefficients in various research fields in addition to hundreds of thousands of books and general and specialized references as well as Databases and specialized research tools, including the Britannica Academic Encyclopedia and the Educational Discovery.

Out of the graduate studies and research sector’s keenness to activate the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, the Library Committee No. (92) recommended linking the acceptance of admission papers for graduate studies (Masters-PhD) and registration on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, in order to achieve the objectives of the sector and to consolidate the relationship of the graduate student with the digital library.

Developing an automated system for university library management:

The Digital Library Unit, in cooperation with the Information and Communication Technology Center (CITC) at Mansoura University, is responsible for developing the future system for library management, which is the system currently used in the automation of Egyptian university libraries.

Egyptian university theses database:

The unit, in cooperation with Egyptian universities, the National University Theses Library and the National Network for Scientific and Technological Information, seeks to build a database of university theses allowed by Egyptian universities, in addition to building a system for preparing electronic university theses to enable the Egyptian University to participate in the World Digital Library of University Theses.

Document delivery services:

The unit pursues the possibilities of delivering full texts to researchers by participating in a large number of global document repositories that provide the ability to request private documents by relying on the capabilities of the portal available through the Internet. Any researcher from inside or outside public universities can request any document.

Digital library services:

  1. Create password to join the global databases at home and know the entry to the future system for library management.
    2. Internal search in the library holdings by title, author, subject, knowing the number and location of the copy on the shelf.
    3. Search for approved scientific theses and theses under study.
    4. Electronic sources search: It helps the student to search for electronic resources and university tests to get exams for different years from 2008 until 2012.
    5. Lectures to international universities: The researcher can benefit from these lectures on his account.
    6. Researches and articles by faculty members in all Egyptian university libraries.
    7. Research published in local periodicals such as the Journal of the Faculty of Engineering.
    8. Reference and Guidance Services
    9. Ongoing briefing.
    10. Selective broadcasting.
    11. Photo scan.
    12. Electronic copy.
    13. Printing.

  The most important databases in the knowledge bank:

Science Direct


ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 

Wiley Blackwell 

EBSCO Academic Search Complete

EBSCO Medline


IEEE Journals

Journals@Ovid Full Text




ISI Web of Knowledge 


AL - Mostaqbal

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