Library halls

1- Book Hall

It contains a wide variety of books for all engineering disciplines, both in Arabic and in English languages. Books are divided into eleven sections:

*Physics, chemistry and natural sciences
*Production engineering and mechanical design
*Electrical engineering
*Communications and electronics
*Mechanical engineering
*Civil engineering
*Control engineering


2- Periodicals Hall

It contains paper periodicals in all engineering disciplines. It is worth noting that paper scientific periodicals have been discontinued since 1999, due to the participation of the Supreme Council of Universities in global databases to make them available to researchers at the university for free. The Egyptian Knowledge Bank website has also been established, which contains a large number of database and a special site for engineering.


3- Dedicated Books Hall

It is considered as one of the processes of providing the library with books that are donated by the true lovers who wish to return the scientific favor and to benefit the students from their valuable and unique books.


4- Reference Hall

The Scientific References Hall includes collection of a reference nature and also includes books newly added annually. The borrower can borrow them, whether internally or externally, according to the conditions followed for the borrowing rules. This hall is located in the librarian’s room due to its privacy and scientific, reference importance.


5- Academic theses hall

Theses, whether master's or doctorate, contain the conditions to be met.

*Rules for viewing scientific theses:

-Scientific theses are not borrowed externally.

- The researcher can view the scientific theses inside the library and photocopy 30% of the thesis pages.

*Conditions that must be met for applying for the delivery of both types of the thesis:

1- Two (2) copies of a master’s thesis (in green) or a PhD (in brown) stamped by the Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research and signed by the thesis supervisors.

2- One (1) copy of the extract in Arabic and another in English.

3- Three (3) copies of the abstract in Arabic and another in English.

4- One (1) CD containing the thesis PDF + extract in Microsoft Word format.

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