The beginning was five scientific departments:

The Department of Power Mechanical Engineering.
The Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design.
The Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering.
Structural Engineering Department.
The Department of Textile Engineering.
⁃ In 1977, the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering was established.
⁃ In 1983, the Department of Mathematics and Engineering Physics and the Department of Computer Engineering and Control Systems.
⁃ In 1992, the Department of Architecture was established.
⁃ In 2006, the Communications and Computer Engineering program was established.
⁃ In 2011, The Building and Construction Engineering program was established.
⁃ In 2012, The Mechatronics Engineering Program and the Biomedical Engineering Program were established.
- In 2020, the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Engineering Program, the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Program, and the Infrastructure Engineering Program were established, in addition to three specific postgraduate programs, which are: the Medical Engineering Postgraduate Program, the Mechatronics Postgraduate Program, and the Postgraduate Environmental Engineering, Technology and Management Program.
⁃ After that, five additional programs were established: the Artificial Intelligence Engineering Program, the Sustainable Architecture Engineering Program, the Civil and Environmental Engineering Program (Sustainable Water Engineering), the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Program, and the Structural Engineering Program.

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