

" Self-education" "

A symposium about 'self-education' on Tuesday 4/6/2013

Through the periodical meetings for introducing the concepts of quality, Prof. Dr./mohammed abd El Azeem , the manager of quality assurance unit made a symposium about self-education on Tuesday 4/6/2013 in the attendance of Prof. Dr./Zaki Mohammed Zedan the dean of the faculty and Prof. Dr. /magdy Al Azab the representative of the faculty for environmental affairs and society's service and some members of the teaching staff and the assistant organization.
The aims of the symposium :
  1. Assuring that the self-study is the first step of credence
  2. Assuring the importance of participation in developing the self-study
  3. Highlighting the necessity of keeping some principles obligations when preparing the self-study.

Symposium's directions :

  1. Introducing the self education regarding it the first document for assessment and dependency.
  2. Exposing the most important primary obligation to prepare a successful self-learning.
  3. Exposing some items of self-education that belongs to the faculty and explaining it.
Recommendations :
  1. Necessity of assuring the importance of the participation of all the stages of the faculty in developing the self –learning according to reality.
  2. The necessity of assuring the attending and make use of these lectures.
  3. Uploading these lectures on the electronic website to make use of it.



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