Workshop under the name of ''designing curriculums''

The workshop's name: designing curriculums

Lecturer: Prof.A.Dr/Mohammed Abdalazeem

Job: the manager of the assuring quality unit

Workshop time: at half past ten p.m.

The place: theatre of DR/Rashad Aalbadrawy

The total number of the participants: (63) participants ''teaching staff members and the assistants

Workshop's goals:

  1. Asserting the obligation of the academic standards while designing curriculums
  2. Highlighting the study of curriculum and its design stages

Workshop axes:

1st :exposing how to design a curriculum according to academic standards
2nd: using electronic compasses curriculum at the first year of communication section , as a model to describe curriculum
3rd :case study and description to ''introduction to statistics and probability '' at Math section at faculty of science


  1. Asserting the importance of obligation of academic standards while designing curriculums
  2. Asserting the follow up of the attendants and make use of such lectures
  3. Uploading these lectures at the electronic website to make use of it at a large scale

Evaluating the attendants to the workshop:

  1. Attendants are good and the lecturer is obliged to the topic of the symposium that is announced
  2. The topic of the symposium was shown simply to all the grades to the attendants
  3. The importance of the symposium was shown at the level of attending, obligation to the specified time , remarkable experiments and the discussion between lecturer and attendants.

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