post graduate vice dean welcome


Word of the Vice Dean for Graduate Studies:

 Scientific research is considered one of the three main branches of academic activities for faculty members. It is also one of the pillars of strengthening and activating the links among faculty members, industry and community service, thus contributing to the effective progress of the state, in addition to raising the classification of both the faculty and the university locally and internationally.

The faculty’s graduate studies and research sector plays an effective scientific role that stems from the university’s vision in contributing to face the major challenges in Egypt, the most important of which are: water resources, energy, environment, industrial and technological development, infrastructure and transportation, security and traffic safety, communications, digital transformation and urban development.

The Graduate Studies Sector with its various administrations (Graduate Studies Administration - Cultural Relations - Library - Scientific Journal) works to achieve the following objectives:

⁃ Help to create a fertile environment for creativity and innovation among graduate students to raise the level of scientific research as well as master’s and doctoral theses.

⁃ Encourage international publication in international journals with a high impact factor with the aim of raising the global ranking of both the faculty and the university.

⁃ Develop postgraduate programs in addition to introducing new programs that serve the requirements of the external community, compete locally and internationally, attract distinguished researchers, seek to partner with distinguished international universities, student exchange and scientific exchange.

⁃ Communicate with industry and society to solve problems to increase the effective participation of the scientific role of the faculty in solving industry problems while urging and assisting faculty members to compete for local and international research projects.

⁃ Facilitate administrative procedures, assist researchers, and provide cultural activities for both students from home and international students. Work to increase the attraction of students from home and international students, thus increase the resources of the graduate studies and research sector in the faculty.

⁃ Upgrade the scientific journal of the faculty as well as adopting an effective mechanism that guarantees increasing the confidence and credibility of the journal. Raise its scientific weight, upgrade the Faculty’s periodic scientific conference and place it on the global map of conferences.

⁃ Organize courses and workshops by distinguished researchers and research project managers on how to apply for research projects and international publication.

⁃ Follow-up of the members of the supporting staff abroad while they obtain scientific degrees, training courses and scientific missions, to overcome any obstacles in the way of completing their scientific research.

⁃ Train, develop and raise the efficiency of the capabilities of the administrative body in the graduate studies and research sector at the faculty.

We appreciate your support and are hopefully waiting for your suggestions for the development of the sector, how much we progress and move forward until we achieve our objectives and ambitions with sincere hard work.

Best wishes to our hard working sector employees and dear postgraduate students.


Prof. Dr. / Sherif Massoud Ahmed El Badawy


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