Graduation Affairs

  1. Extracting temporary certificates.
  2. Extracting estimates statements.
  3. Handing out original certificates.
  4. Editing graduates licences.
  5. Editing the ministerial decree concerning granting the scientific degree.
  6. Addressing the various embassies enquiring about the information validity (correctness).
  7. Fielding graduates to work in forms according to these firms demand, and the consent of his exellency Prof.-Dr,the Dean of the faculty.
  8. Modifying some results of different cases of graduates.
  9. Adjusting names of some graduates according to their demand(request).

Prepare collected fees statement for certificates account:

Graduation Affairs (Success certificates - statement ranks - original certificates - Graduates licences - statistics of Sums Collected)

Success certificates and statement of ranks:

  • The graduate or a fourth degree relative offers a stamped request to obtain the success certificate or a number of certificates in both Arabic and English languages.
  • A fees payment receipt of the demanded fees to be paid to the faculty cashier.
  • A certificate of the student or a statement of ranks is edited from the records and results in the department.
  • The certificate or statement ranks is delivered to the applicant after ascertaining his identity or his relation's degree.
  • A copy of the extracted certificate is kept with the applicants' request so as to turn back to it in time of need.

Success Certificate:

  • The graduate is handed the original success certificate after ensuring of his/her identity.
  • This is edited in the register book that is concerned with delivering certificates after signing that he/she has recieved the certificate .

Graduates' licences:

The model concerned with editing the graduates licences is written according to the statements kept in the students' files, with the ulmost accuracy, so as these be sent to the department of education. Students affairs of the university in preparation of editing the original certificates which include the following :-

  • Name and surname/ Father's name
  • Nationality/ Birthplace
  • Birth Date. The general estimation.


Statistics of the number of the graduates and their specialisations yearly are prepared and are sent to those concerned.

Statement of the sums collected:

A monthly statement is prepared from the register book concerned with delivering the certificates that states collected fees concerned with extracting certificates, and this monthly statement is to sent to the University administration one by one.

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