Symposium (Introducing of the contest "Linking academic education and the needs of the industry").

This Symposium was co-sponsored by Prof. Mohammed Hassan Knawy – Mansoura University President, Prof. Zaki Zidan - Vice President of Mansoura University, Prof. Mohamed Al saied - Dean of Faculty of Engineering, and leadership of both Prof. Maher Abdul Razak -Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development at Faculty of Engineering and Prof. Ibrahim Sharqawi - Director of support for small and medium industries center.

In which Eng. Mahmoud Ahmed Kamal (deputy executive director of the Federation of Egyptian Industries of government and parliamentary relations) lectured this Symposium. At the beginning, Eng. Mahmoud Kamal pointed out that this union aims to achieve cooperation at national and regional levels and resolve the problems facing the industry.

Symposium was attended by a group of faculty members and their assistants as well as the presence of a large number of faculty students, especially the third and fourth divisions students.

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