An Invitation to Attend a Free Webinar on the Future of the Engineering Profession

workshop1Under the patronage of Prof. Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering a free webinar will be held, on the future of the engineering profession through self-employment, online on the Times app, next Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 6 pm.🚨
In this workshop, Ahmed Saad and Moamen Ashraf will transfer their experience in freelancing and open your horizons regarding the topic of the workshop in the following disciplines:

🪩Computer engineering
🪩Steel structure
🪩Mechanical design
🪩Reseach and developments

Agenda 📝:-

🚨Various work specializations in engineering fields.
🚨Freelance work basics
🚨Freelance work opportunities in engineering in Egypt market, golf market and global markets
🚨The needed qualifications to be a freelancer.

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