Faculty Dean Word2

dr moh22

Dear students, I would like to extend my warmest wishes to you all on the beginning of your academic life. Let it bring new knowledge and discoveries, as well as new challenges.

Beginning makes a lot of differences, so always keep your beginning focused optimistic and full of dedication.  Another fresh year is a chance to begin your life fresh, with new goals and new challenges.  Best of luck to you and I am sure you will make proud and happy.

The faculty includes well equipped laboratories, workshops, training halls, auditoriums, teaching halls, seminar rooms to accommodate the requirements of students.

A highly qualified staff that supports students and help them achieve excellence.

Finally, I wish all faculty students more seriousness and perseverance to succeed and continue research, innovation in order to serve the nation.  Peace, mercy and blessings of God.

Prof. Dr./ Mohamed Abdel Azim
Dean of the Faculty


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