Photographic Actions
About Faculty
- Passing out tablet award's party to the excellent students.
- The honoring celebration for /Iprahim mancy.
- Another regular scholastic day at the faculty of engineering, Mansoura University.
- A regular scholastic day at the faculty of engineering, Mansoura university.
- The reception party for receiving the new students on Sunday 1/9/2013
- Reception party for the new students on Wednesday 21/8/2013
- Professor Doctor /Kassem EL Alfy supervised the pre-master tests.
- Supervising visit from the dean of the faculty to observe the work.
- Mr .prof..Dr /zaki Mohammed Zedan the dean of the engineering faculty met prof .Dr/Hesham Arafat Ali the representative of the faculty for students and learning affairs and the manager of electronic learning unit at the faculty and Dr .Shereef Keshk the manager of the electronic unit at the university.
- A legation form the faculty of engineering- Mansoura university, visited Al-Dakhlya company for sugar. "Beets sugar factory" in Belkas . On Monday 2/9/2013
Quality Assurance unit
- A Symposium about scientific research morals on Tuesday 11/6/2013
- A symposium about the quality at high learning on Tuesday 21/5/2013
- A symposium about 'self-education' on Tuesday 4/6/2013
- A symposium about 'national academic rules' on Tuesday28/5/2013
- A Symposium about 'data and programs design on Tuesday 11/6/2013
- A symposium about 'Models and Steps of strategic planning' on Tuesday 28/5/2013