Technical Advisor Job

Arizona State University is seeking an experienced Technical Advisor to be part of the USAID-funded Center of Excellence for Energy (COE) project. The COE project is a partnership between ASU-US and three Egyptian partner universities (EPUs): Ain Shams University, Aswan University, and Mansoura University. The Technical Advisor, working closely with the Director and In-country Director, will implement a wide range of technical and academic programs in Energy for COE. The Technical Advisor will work closely with the faculty at the ASU and Egyptian partner COE Team.  The Technical Advisor will also interface with USAID, and the stakeholders and partners in the Egypt energy sector.

For more details, please visit this link:::

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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)


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