An Invitation to Attend The First International Conference on Integrated Manufacturing and Mechanics of Materials (2024-ICIM3)


An invitation to attend an international conference in the field of mechanical engineering held by the Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University under the title: The First International Conference on Integrated Manufacturing and Mechanics of Materials (2024-ICIM3)

1st International Conference on Integrated Manufacturing and Mechanics of Materials (ICIM3-2024)

From 4 to 7 November 2024. In this regard, please participate in this important event by proposing workshops, in addition to the scientific exhibition accompanying the conference. We also invite researchers to submit research papers and attend the various activities of the conference. The conference covers the following various mechanical engineering fields:

1. Advanced Material Testing and Formability
2. Smart Materials
3. Light weighting Technologies
4. Tribology in Manufacturing
5.Advances in steel production
6. Modeling and Simulation
7. Sustainable Manufacturing
8. Joining Technology
9. Industry 4.0/Smart Manufacturing
10. Sustainable Materials for Manufacturing Processes
11. Green Manufacturing
12. Case Studies
The conference to be held will be a vital platform for scientific exchange between researchers, engineers, industry and decision-makers in the field of engineering. The conference will provide an opportunity to showcase the latest innovations and research in multiple fields, which will contribute to enhancing interaction between the academic and industrial sectors.

We hope to receive requests for participation as soon as possible to achieve the desired interaction and maximize the benefit from the conference. For more information, please visit the official website of the conference through the following link:


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