Fellowship Program Offered by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

unecaThe Office of International Relations announces the fellowship program offered by the Secretariat of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), which includes the following:

1- The program provides practical experience for young people at the beginning of their professional career in the academic sector, the private sector, and international development institutions, as it allows them to work in a number of fields for a period of 6 months, renewable once (the period of work does not exceed one year).
2- The fellowship focuses on a number of topics, including macroeconomic policies and economic governance, private sector development, poverty, inequality, societal policies, demographic policies, technology and innovation, climate change, environment, and natural resource management, including the green economy.
3- This program can be applied to those who hold a master’s or doctoral degree and have experience in preparing research, provided that they are proficient in the English or French language and their age does not exceed 40 years. Note that the applicant will send a research paper of 1000 words in the field in which he wishes to register. .
4- The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa shall bear the cost of the travel ticket, in addition to a one-time settlement allowance of $3,000, and a monthly allowance of $3,000.

Applicants should submit a nomination letter from the faculty to which they belong, to the International Relations Office in the University Administration Building - fourth floor
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