A Scientific Trip to Visit The High Speed Rail in Egypt- First Line

Within the framework of raising the awareness of students about the national projects undertaken by the Egyptian state and linking the scientific aspect to the practical reality, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sherif Masoud El-Badawy - Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, and the leadership of Prof. Dr. Sahar Sidqi, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Education and Student Affairs, and AP. Dr. Mohamed Ghannam, Director of the Building and Construction Engineering Program, under the supervision of the representatives of specific programs for building, construction and sustainable architecture, Prof. Dr. Hani Mohanni and Prof. Reda Diab, coordinated by Dr. Ahmed Hussein, and the presence of the Academic Guidance Committee, Dr. Ahmed. Al-Hamrawi, Dr. Mahmoud Saad, Dr. Karim Nassar, and Dr. Sabri Fouda.

A scientific trip was undertaken to visit the High Speed Rail in Egypt, an electrified regional rail system the high-speed electric train network “Ain Sokhna / El Alamein / Matrouh, the bridge sector on the Nile River in South Helwan area was visited. Engineer/Mohamed Ali, project manager of the executing company ( Al-Soadaa Group), welcomed the group, then a scientific technical lecture began on how to design and implement bridges, presented by Engineer/Mahmoud Hegazy, the technical director of the project, who gave an interesting lecture on the design of bridges, pillars, and implementation methods and linking them to the scientific, practical, and implementation aspects. This was followed by a boat visit to the implementation site, where the students were briefed on how to implement deep foundations for Nile bridges and how to implement bridge slabs, whether on site, prefabricated or post-tensioned. During the movement to all parts of the bridge, Engineer/Mohamed Ali and the technical team gave an extensive explanation of everything related to construction, implementation, quality control and assurance. After that, the trip returned to the technical office on site, where Mr. Ahmed Hamed, the Human Resources Officer at the implementing company, presented a seminar to the students on how to write a CV and how to prepare for appointment interviews for engineers. He gave valuable advice to the students on how to prepare a successful engineer and develop his skills. The Building and Construction Engineering Program extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to the implementing company and its engineers who provided a lot to the students during the trip, scientifically, executively, ethically, and as human resources.

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