A Delegation from Center of Excellence for Energy Visits the Faculty of Engineering

img27Within the framework of the activities of the Energy Excellence Agreement, a delegation consisting of:
Dr. Ryan Milcarek, and Dr. Gary Lichtenstein, specialists in modern teaching methods, visited the faculty to evaluate 4 courses (two courses from the Department of Electrical Engineering and two courses from the Department of Mechanical Power Engineering), previously selected as a sample of energy-related courses.
The visit began at eleven o'clock in the morning, with the reception of Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Prof. Muhammad Hassan Mansour, Head of the Department of Mechanical Power Engineering. The delegation visited the study halls in the presence of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Eid, Eng. Mohamed Zaki at the Solar Energy Factory, as well as visiting the study halls for electrical machines “DC and transformers”, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Abdel Hady Ghanem, Eng. Yasser Kassab.
Then, the delegation attended
a lecture on fuel and energy systems delivered by Dr. Walid Shaaban, and a lecture on Fluid Mechanics 1 delivered by Dr. Asmaa Al Awadi.
Later, an evaluation meeting was held with the faculty members and the delegation, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky, and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hassan to provide some observations, and a detailed report will be sent. The delegation visited the second engineering forum, where they held meetings with some students present in the tent of the forum. Finally, the delegation visited the University Development Center, where they recieved the shields of the center.
The visit ended at 3:30 pm.

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