A Report on the Faculty Council Meeting No. (580)

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty, chaired the meeting of the Faculty Council No. (580), today, Monday, May 8, 2023, at twelve o’clock in the afternoon, in Prof. Dr. Rashad El-Badrawy’s Conference Hall. In the presence of the gentlemen: faculty vice deans, heads of scientific departments, directors of specific programs and representatives of some external community institutions.
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty, started the meeting by welcoming the distinguished members of the faculty council, then, talked about today's celebration of the faculty's golden jubilee, on the occasion of its establishment, the issuance of a republican decision, and its transfer from the Higher Industrial Institute to the Faculty of Engineering.
His Excellency offered words of condolence to those who passed: Prof. Dr. Maher Abdel-Razzaq, the former Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Sarwi, former head of the Department of Mathematics and Engineering Physics, and the student Mahmoud Bushra in the Medical Engineering Program.
His Excellency talked about the great entity of the Faculty of Engineering and many of the community pioneers who graduated from it and who contributed greatly to the Egyptian society with their great work and achievements.
His Excellency mentioned some of the events that have taken place in the faculty recently, such as the workshop on "Intellectual Property Rights: Creativity and Legislation",
His Excellency mentioned that the faculty is in the process of preparing to obtain the ISO in innovation management. He also, praised some of the distinguished contributions of the faculty members, where he thanked Dr. Mona Al-Wazir, Department of Architectural Engineering, for designing the photographic painting.

His Excellency referred to the symposium held entitled "A Look at the Monorail Project on May 6, for students and graduates of the Civil Engineering Program and the Construction Engineering Program. His Excellency talked about the preparations of the second engineering forum and a summary of the projects presented in it, and urged all attendees to attend and participate in the golden jubilee and the second engineering forum because that is a celebration of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, not for specific people.

Then, His Excellency moved to discuss the topics on the agenda and took decisions regarding them with the members of the esteemed Faculty Council.

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