The First Scientific Conference of the Electronics and Communications Engineering Program

 This conference was held on Saturday, December 19, 2020 in Prof. Rashad Al-Badrawy Hall, at the faculty, from ten in the morning until one in the afternoon, and another online meeting from 6 pm to 9 pm.

 Today, at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, the first scientific conference of Electronics and Communications Engineering Program was held, entitled “The Effective Role of the Program in Education and Training in addition to Providing New Job Opportunities in the Light of the Corona Pandemic”, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Sherif Kishk Head of the Electronics and Communications Engineering Program.
The conference coordinator is Dr. Eman Abdel Halim, where the themes of the conference revolved around: Scholars who graduated from the program providing students with their practical experience about what is required in the labor market and how to acquire essential skills, clarifying what the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University has previously achieved with the international agreements it has concluded with the most prestigious international universities.
Field leaders and distinguished engineers from the labor market have been presented as models that strengthen ambition and inspire hope in the future, in addition to gaining their practical experience and acquiring knowledge of what the regional and global labor market needs.

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