Scholarships for postgraduate students for serious research projects

With reference to the cooperation protocol signed between Mansoura University and the Ministry of Social Solidarity, which includes an axis to support outstanding students in the master’s and doctoral stages by providing a scholarship for serious research projects in accordance with the standards of community service and environmental development, provided that such research has already been registered in one of the following faculties (Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering ,Agriculture, or Science).

It has been agreed to provide (10) scholarships for postgraduate students (Master’s or Ph.D.) at a rate of 25,000 pounds, as follows: - These scholarships are distributed among the five faculties at rate of (2) scholarships for each faculty on the condition that: The student is not a member of the supporting staff in the same faculty or other faculties or has a governmental job for which he receives a salary from the state: The field of study should be done through the vision of Egypt 2030.

The grant is disbursed equally in two phases:

• The first stage: after being selected by the competition’s higher committee.

• The second stage: act after awarding the degree.

By granting the master’s student a monthly stipend of 1,000 pounds for a period of one year, with the value of the aforementioned scholarship.

By granting the doctoral student a monthly salary of 1,000 pounds for a period of two years with the value of the aforementioned scholarship.

Papers that should submitted to Pr. Dr. Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies:
1. Brief biography.
2. Thesis proposal
3. A presentation to the committee within 5 minutes explaining the importance of the research and its connection with Egypt's Vision 2030.

The deadline for submission is next Tuesday 16-2, and the interview date with the committee online is on Wednesday 17-2, and the time will be determined later.

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