A symposium for Members of the Administrative Staff at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, in the Field of Human Development and Functional Behavior Assessment, Presented by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty offered a symposium for members of the administrative staff of the faculty in the field of human development, evaluating functional behavior and developing skills for working efficiently and in dealing with others, under the title
"Ethical Code in the Work Environment".

The symposium started around ten in the morning in Prof. Dr. Rashad Al-Badrawy’s hall, where His Excellency addressed various axes including: The axis of moral code in the profession’s environment, where the person must begin to apply to himself first then measure against himself what he wishes to measure on others after that using the same measurement ruler.

Ethical code axis and what it includes from the ethics of the profession in terms of objectivity, efficiency, confidentiality and integrity.
The axis of the professional ethical code, including the virtues of loyalty, belonging, respect, performance of responsibility and efficiency of performance. The axis of work ethics, including the virtues of honesty, mastery, patience and good manners.

The axis of professional work ethics and its sources, where the behavior of the professional work has been clarified. The individual and the compass directing his behavior is his living conscience and clarification of the prevailing values ​​in society and the regulations for the conduct of work and the profession, freedom of religion and adherence to the law, the focus of the principles of professional work ethics in terms of transparency, clarity, impartiality, non-violence, compliance with laws, avoidance of harm to others, equal opportunities, rejection of bribes, various forms of gifts and protection of confidentiality.
The focus of the concept of behavior in the work environment, where it was clarified that the behavior is outward represented in words and actions or inwardly representing feelings and ideas.
His Excellency stressed that the normal relationship that should be between employees is the relationship of work and cooperation within the limits of work performance without going beyond this area to the peculiarities of the other, the focus of the ethics platform, where the application of good qualities was emphasized and away from what is opposite.

The axis of social communication, how to benefit from it and how to reduce its negative effects.

The axis of organizational culture such as always working to achieve what we aim at as long as it is in the interest of the individual, the institution and the public interest, adherence to the rules and organizing laws, avoiding conflict of interests, destructive clashes, and the capacity for the desired respectful competition in order to achieve height, transcendence and push forward for everyone
The session ended at about eleven o'clock in the afternoon

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