Registration is Open for the General Course on Intellectual Property

Registration has been opened for the general course of intellectual property presented by the National Intellectual Property Academy in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, which will end on May 8, 2022, the course begins on May 9, 2022 and ends on June 26, 2022. At the end of this course, The trainee has an accredited certificate from the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, and the National Academy of Intellectual Property.

This course has been very successful, especially in recent years, as it has been offered three times annually, after it was offered twice every year since 2016.

To facilitate the registration process, the Academy provides participants with a guide that includes the steps for registering in the General Course of Intellectual Property


The General Course of Intellectual Property is a course dedicated to compliance with Egyptian law by the National Academy of Intellectual Property in cooperation with WIPO. The course consists of 13 units. When the course begins, the trainees download the material to read, after the first week has passed, the trainees can communicate with the trainers through the discussion forum platform to exchange information and respond to inquiries. At the end of the course June 26, 2022, trainees will take an exam, then receive a certificate offered by WIPO, the Academy of Scientific Research and the National Intellectual Property Academy.

to sign up:

You can create an account via this link if you do not have one


Then copy the following link to register for the course


For inquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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