Honoring Distinguished Professors of the Faculty of Engineering

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, is always keen to appreciate and value the efforts of all the faculty attributes, so he honored a number of distinguished faculty members.
Distinguished honored professors are:

Prof. Dr. Adel Mohamed Ali Al-Hadidi, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Textile Engineering, Former Chairman of the Board of the Department of Textile Engineering and a member of the Permanent Scientific Committee for Manufacturing Engineering and Mechanical Design for the Fourth Consecutive Session.

Prof. Dr. Mohsen Ezz El-Din, Former Vice Dean for Students’ Affairs, Former Chairman of the Board of of the Department of Water Resources, a member of Permanent Scientific Committee for Public Works Engineering and Emeritus Professor at the Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering.

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mowafi Ibrahim Shteiwi, Chairman of the Board of the Public Works Engineering Department , member of the Permanent Scientific Committee for Public Works Engineering and Emeritus Professor in the Department of Public Works Engineering.

Prof. Dr. Sobhi Mohamed Abdel Qader Al-Sayed, Former Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, Former Chairman of the Board of Electrical Engineering Department, Former Acting Dean of the Faculty and a member of the Permanent Scientific Committee for Engineering Power and Electrical Machines.

Prof. Dr. Qassem Salah Abdel-Wahab Al-Alfi, Dean of Mansoura Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Former Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Former Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and a member of the Scientific Committee in the field of Water Resources.

Prof. Dr. Salah Sabry Ibrahim Obayeh, Former Academic President of Zewail City for Science and Technology, Former Executive Director of the Communications and Information Engineering Program, Professor of Electronics and Communications Engineering, member of the Permanent Scientific Committee for Electronics and Communications Engineering.

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Lotfi Al-Qualla, Former Vice Dean for Environnement and Community Service, member of Permanent Scientific Committee for Mathematical and Physical Engineering and Professor of Mathematical and Physical Engineering.

This honor is an initiative that is the first of its kind in the history of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, as a gesture of loyalty and a message of thanks, gratitude and encouragement for future generations.


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