Haya Karima competition "Beautiful Village"

The Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at Mansoura University, in cooperation with the Supreme Council of Universities, announces holding a competition for Mansoura University students, especially students of (engineering, fine arts, specific education) faculties, in order to choose the best (3) proposals in:

⁃ Preparing a design for a unified paint for homes in villages affiliated with the "Haya Karima" initiative in Dakahlia Governorate.

⁃ Choosing the suitable building materials for the environment.

⁃ Choosing the appropriate color codes for the nature of the place.

The first, second and third winners of each category will receive financial prizes as follows:

•First place: 1000 pounds
•Second place: 700 pounds
•Third place: 500 pounds
In addition to certificates of appreciation.

For inquiries and suggestions, please send an e-mail to:

With writing the name, year, faculty, and an active WhatsApp phone number to communicate, provided that the last date for submitting proposals is 20/12/2021.

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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)

  • dummyengfac@mans.edu.eg

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