An Orientation Ceremony for the Students of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Engineering Program

    • Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky, Director of the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Engineering Program, held an orientation party on Tuesday26,10 ,2021, to receive and honor the students of the program in the hall of Prof. Dr. Rashad El Badrawy, where she introduced the program and gave general information about it.
    • Prof. Dr. Sahar advised the students to be keen on acquiring the necessary skills and learning how to self-educate. Prof. Sahar also emphasized that the program administration will do its best for the interest of the students to raise their level so that it meets and conforms the requirements and needs of the external labor market.
    • This is achieved through certain steps as: selecting distinguished faculty members to teach in the program, having follow-up visits to renewable energy plants and fields and providing specialized equipped laboratories in the faculty suitable for this field, such as, (The Solar Energy Lab - Electrical Machine labs (A), (B) - The Electrical Circuits Lab- Electrical Protection Lab - Mechanical Power Lab - Combustion Lab - Fuel Lab - Fluid Lab- Hydraulic Machinery Lab - Cooling Lab and Air Conditioning - Gas Plant.)
    • Prof. Sahar spoke about the academic requirements of the program, the appointment of a deputy director and an academic advisor for the program from the faculty members, in order to facilitate communication and follow-up with the students.
    • Then Prof. Dr. Hossam El-Din Mostafa, General Coordinator of Specific Programs, spoke, where he pointed out the importance of the role of the graduates of the program in the future and the adoption of the international plan on them as a main axis and this is evident in the sustainable plan 2030 as renewable energy sources will not end.
    • Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, gave his speech at the ceremony by welcoming all the attendees and the students of the program, offering them sincere congratulations on their success in choosing the renewable and sustainable energy engineering program because it is the field of the future and the basis for the independence of countries.
    • Prof. Abdel Azim stressed the fact that the faculty is keen on graduating distinguished engineers who are qualified for the labor market. He also indicated that the engineer in the labor market must develop his scientific level and the skills he has acquired in order to keep pace with the information revolution that we live in. The continuous support of the faculty administration to the students of the program, such as organizing trips, was also emphasized. A free scientific study for a renewable energy plant in order to view the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of renewable energy plants is available.
    • At the end of the ceremony, the Dean of the Faculty and the Director of the Program honored the three outstanding students, giving them certificates of honor in order to motivate them to continue their excellence.


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