Follow up on the Vaccination Process against the Emerging Corona Virus

The Central Administration for Technical Affairs of the Councils and University Educational Sector Committees and Cultural Relations

General Administration of Technical Affairs for Councils

Prof. Dr. /Mr President of the University

I have the honor to report that the Supreme Council of Universities discussed in its session held on 25/10/2021, the follow-up to the vaccination process against the emerging corona virus in Egyptian Universities, and the Council decided to emphasize the universities with the following:

1. Continuing the daily follow-up to the process of vaccinating all elements of the educational system against the corona virus, in implementation of the directives and assignments issued in this regard and the decisions of the Crisis Committee, to limit the spread of the Corona virus in universities, with the review and scrutiny of universities for students’ position on vaccination starting from the 1st of next November. Emphasizing that students are not allowed to enter the university campus after November 15, except after submitting a certificate proving that they have obtained the vaccine, and in the event that the student does not receive the vaccine, s/he can perform a “PCR” analysis that s/he submits weekly.
2. Full compliance with the decisions of the Crisis Committee, with regard to not allowing employees of state institutions to enter their headquarters, starting from November 15, except for those who have received the vaccination against the Corona virus.

3. The need for universities to continue to apply all precautionary measures, and to adhere to social distancing for all those inside the university campus, as well as to intensify disinfection and sterilization operations for rooms, classrooms, laboratories and various faculty buildings; and applying the same procedures in university dorms, to ensure the safety of all elements of the educational system.

Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mostafa Latif


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