Library Preparations for the Academic Year 2021-2022


Library preparations for the academic year 2021-2022:

1- Preparing the library halls to receive freshmen,  and visitors.    

2- Reviewing the arrangement of books according to the desktop layout to facilitate both types of borrowing operations.

3- The library observes social distancing among students according to the precautionary measures followed.

4- A letter was sent to the college director general to support the library with means of prevention as:  alcohol, hand sanitizers and masks.

5- A letter was sent to the follow-up unit to periodically cleanse the library weekly.

6- Preparing a statement for students who wish to obtain borrowing membership in the library and register them.


Library Plan for the Academic Year 2021-2022:

1- Participation of the library in the reception of new students in room 23, introducing them to the library and distributing membership forms.

2- Organizing a student meeting for students every Monday of every week in the library’s reading room to introduce how to join the Knowledge Bank and how to benefit from its services.

3- The student meeting will be announced on the faculty website.

4- The library provided the WhatsApp Service,  to speed the communication with students and staff members.

5- Preparing for a workshop on intellectual property rights.

6- Addressing the Director General of Libraries to hold workshops for faculty members and their assistants on scientific research engines, global databases and the knowledge bank.

7- As  the university’s plan to train university employees, several courses were selected for the library’s employees, and the form was sent to the Personnel Affairs Department .


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