Vision, Mission and Objectives

Vision :
Achieving excellence, creativity and innovation locally and globally in providing support for the faculty’s scientific research service and providing research programs, distinguished capabilities and effective partnerships to serve the external community.


Offering distinctive educational programs and research that serve society and achieve sustainable development goals by providing a technological environment that supports continuous learning, scientific research and innovation, encouraging scientific and technical publishing, and contributing to developing the cognitive capabilities of community members and institutions in addition to enabling them to continue education.

1. Developing the system of scientific research and scientific activities.
2. Achieving community partnership and sustainable development.
3. Conducting academic and applied research in various engineering disciplines.
4. Providing distinguished organizational support to contribute to the implementation of the faculty’s policies regarding research communication with institutions of the Egyptian economy and meeting the needs of entities benefiting from the research services provided by the faculty.
5. Supporting and developing the capabilities of faculty members and assisting staff.
6. Supporting graduate students and developing their skills.
7. Developing physical, financial, infrastructure and technological resources.
8. Contacting, interacting with and influencing the surrounding community.
9. Proficiency in the languages ​​necessary to benefit from the globalization of knowledge.

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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)


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