the message of the head

The message of the head 

The department of irrigation and hydraulics engineering is one of the oldest and the longest history departments in Mansoura university .It is one of the civil engineering departments.
The department of irrigation and hydraulics engineering has great importance in pushing the cycle of agricultural and industrial development in Egypt that reflects the effects of the irrigation and hydraulics engineer in all plans of the developmentand its different engineering projects.
The most important fields of work for the irrigation engineer are the design, establishment, maintenance and the administration of different waterinstillations such as dams, weirs, bridges and Qanatreetc. Also he can take part in the design and implementation of the navigation structures such as ports and how to protect beaches.
He also has an effective role in the administration of the engineering projects and cost analysis


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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

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