Scientific research topics

    Scientific research topics

The dept.'s assembly agreed on 22/10/2012 on the research plan of the dept. that is introduced by the teaching staff members in 2012/203 and it's as follows:-
  1. Studying the characteristics of smooth cotton on textile machines in textile machines in textile (Prof. Dr./Rezk abdallh al beyaly)
  2. Studying the characteristics of vans yarn "ahanala-boclet-corchet" and its effects on knitwear and textile (Prof. Dr./Rezk abdallh al beyaly)
  3. Studying the characteristics of the colorful smooth and it's applications (Prof. Dr./Rezk abdallh al beyaly)
  4. The application of the artificial intelligence and the use of computers in yarn production and it's reflection on textile characteristics (Prof. Dr./Rezk abdallh al beyal(
  5. Using textile production in agriculture and industry applications and reducing environmental pollution Prof. Dr./Rezk abdallh al beyaly.
  6. Economic energy and rationalization of consumption (Prof. Dr./Rezk abdallh al beyaly).
  7. Improving textile industries of the advanced value (Prof. Dr./Rezk abdallh al beyaly).
  8. Solving the problems that facing the textile industriesthe ways of improving quality and increasing exports (Prof. Dr./Rezk abdallh al beyaly).
  9. The effect of using the new technical, developing and improving the quality of textile productions and it's economics and environmental behavior( Prof. Dr./Rezk abdallh al beyaly(.
  10. studying the effect of basal process on the characteristics of textile yarns (Prof. DR./Abd al lateef Al hosseney(.
  11. Treating wastewater in the companies of textile preparing (Prof. DR./Abd al lateef Al hosseney).
  12. Studying the effect of the different factors on the formulation of alselezioseh fiber (Prof. DR./Abd al lateef Al hosseney(.
  13. Developing the three dimensional weft knitted fabrics for the medical lining that are used in medical shoeses (Prof. Dr./Hemdan Abdo Abo taleb).
  14. Developing the three dimensional weft knitted fabrics for the medical lining that are used in baby diabers(Prof. Dr./Hemdan Abdo Abo taleb).
  15. The effect of operating variables at recycling stage on Tsair threaded diabers(Prof. Dr./Hemdan Abdo Abo taleb).
  16. Observing the quality at textile factories (Prof. Dr./Fawkeia Faheem+Dr./Eman Al shahat(.
  17. The effect of operating variables on the characteristics of open end yarns (Prof. Dr./Fawkeia Faheem+Dr./Eman Al shahat(.
  18. Studying the effect of yarn cabled factors, and preparing for folded yarns on the characteristics of some textile products (Prof. DR./Ismaeel Mosa Rakha).
  19. Studying the possibilities of producing compact yarns of high marks from the Egyptian long stable cotton(Prof. DR./Ismaeel Mosa Rakha + Prof. Dr./Fawkeia Faheem + Dr./Eman Al shahat(.
  20. Studying the characteristics of the produced threaded yarns(Prof. DR./Ismaeel Mosa Rakha).
  21. Measuring the dynamics efforts on the part of machine with operating variables (Prof. A. Dr./ahmed Samyal deeb(.
  22. The effect of the established factors on the engineering mechanicals, physics characteristics for textiles (Prof. A. Dr./ahmed Samy al deeb).
  23. Finding an alternative for starching process on textile machines (Dr./Hamdy Abd Allah).
  24. Studying the properties of dimensional fabrics for carpets (Dr./Hamdy Abd Allah).

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(أ.د.عادل الحديدى)

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(د.إبراهيم شادى )  

(د.إبراهيم شادى ) 

(د.إبراهيم شادى )                                                        


( د. محمد فرج)

( د. محمد فرج)

( د. محمد فرج)

( د. محمد فرج)

( د. محمد فرج)

( د. محمد فرج)

Production and properties of protective clothing against fire                  -

Production and properties of protectivefabrics against foul                 -

Production and properties ofsmart fabrics                                           -

-Development of measuring system for fabric tailor ability                  

-Development of the subjective evaluation system .and conversion to objective measurement.                                                                          

Low Temperature Plasma Treatment for Textile Fabrics                   -

-Comparison between fabric dry finishing and fabric Wet finishing from fabric tailor ability point of view.

- Modeling of Composite Materials                              

-  Modeling of Nano- Composite Materials     

- Using image processing analysis in textile                                            

- Computer vision systems for textile evaluation.                                    

- Textile prosthetic biomaterials                                                                  

- Implementation of nanotechnology in textiles                                        

Protective textiles ( antimicrobial , flame retardant ….etc )                   -

- Molecular modeling of polymeric materials                                            

- Studying and modeling of composite materials                                      























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