The labs of the department

Electrical machines lab .(A)

Lies at the ground floor of the marine lab building on 325 m2
It includes a complete group of the models of the power adapter – generators that work on the constant current or the alternate current with a concrete abilities that reaches the real performance, in this lab the experiments of subjecting the electrical machines to the modern control systems are done, this to measure the extent of response to such systems and its connected machines.

• The electrical machines lab (B)

Lies at the ground floor of marine lab building on 260m2
Was founded in 1990 by an Italian scholarship ,the lab includes (8) models of the electrical machines with little ability that are formed in a complete and perfect groups to measure the different properties for these machines under the stable circumstances or the temporal one .
This lab seeks to recognize the modern models of operating and controlling the electronic devises and methods of using the interconnected computers with the electrical devices.

• High voltage lab.

Lies at the ground floor of marine lab building on 260 m2

Was founded in 1985/1986 and it was developed by a fund of the project of developing the engineer learning in 1996, the lab includes a devices to get AC voltage reaches 80 kilovolt and a constant electrical current and a circuit of 300 kilovolt.

• Electrical protection lab.

Lies at the 2nd floor of the western lab building on 120m2

Was founded in 1990 for the purpose of testing and measuring all the stages(supplements) that are used in protecting the networks and the electrical equipment even the settled (digital or electronic )or the electro mechanic, also analyzing and developing the protection systems in these networks.

Electrical measurements:

Lies at the 2nd floor of the eastern lab building on 120 m2
The lab includes a huge number of the electric measurement devices that are used in measuring the main electrical amounts and factors in addition to voltage organizing and the different voltage represents in the constant circuit and the ACpower.

• The electrical protection lab:

Lies at the second floor of the eastern lab building on 120m2
A research lab was founded in 1988 to make the accountants of analyzing the electric power systems , the lab includes main server Alfa model in addition to 10 units of Philips model , group of analyzing electrical power systems also it is provided with input , output units ,scanner and different printers.

• Circuit lab:

Lies at the 2nd floor of the eastern lab building on 120 m2 .
It was founded in 1997 by a fund of the project of developing the engineering learning, this lab includes models of the circuits contents, digital measurement devices to measure the different amounts in the constant stream circuits and the AC power, also it includes data shows, the lab serves the student at the 1st year in electrical engineering department.

• Systems lab and computer applications :

Lies at the 2nd floor in the eastern lab building on 120m2
Its interests are in computer applications in domains of software and the usage of the microprocessor and digital circuits design as it's divided to the following engineering applications

  1. Recognizing the properties of digital elements and practicing on designing and collecting new digital circuits
  2. Recognizing the installation of the microprocessor and writing programs in assembly language.
  3. Studying the different applications and the most important of them is connecting the microprocessor or the computer with the control system
  4. Training on writing and making programs in high languages like basic and Fortin
  5. Recognizing the malfunction that can be in the microprocessor or the computers.

• Solar energy lab:

It was founded in 1986 to study the experiments of transferring the solar energy and wind energy into an electric energy, the lab includes measurement devises, recording and collecting the strength of the whole, direct, scattered and reflected solar beam and also it includes mono or multiple crystals of silicon solar cells.

The electrical power lab :

The lab includes two sample models of electric transportation lines , generation station similator and electrical distributer for studying the properties of the electrical network in the settled or the temporary circumstances, in addition to the main devices of measurement.


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