Chemical and Environmental Engineering Program

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Mission, Vision and Objectives of CEE

Vision :

Providing a scientific environment that supports and enhances academic excellence at the local, regional and international levels.


Preparing distinguished cadres of graduates in chemical and environmental engineering who are capable of scientific research to reach the rank of creativity and leadership locally and regionally.

Objectives :

⁃ Contribute to raising professional efficiency and forming a generation of distinguished engineers as well as qualified researchers.

⁃ Prepare graduates capable of lifelong self-education.

⁃ Enhance the ability of graduates in the field of chemical and environmental engineering to assist in sustainable development.

⁃ Develop a sense of citizenship, support team spirit, respect time, and work as a way of life and progress.

⁃ Participate in the realization of the development plan and put science at its service to develop the community scientifically and culturally.

⁃ Develop human capabilities to meet the needs of new societies of engineers in the field of chemical and environmental engineering.

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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)


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