
Announcement of a new session of the General Training Course on Intellectual Property dedicated to Egypt DL101AEG24S1, presented via distance learning via the Internet (Online distance Learning Course), organized by the National Academy of Intellectual Property (NIPA) in Egypt in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Academy.

Registration is now open and will continue until June 23, 2024.

The training course will start on June 24, 2024 and will continue until August 11, 2024.

The training course provides the basic principles and concepts of intellectual property under the Egyptian Intellectual Property Rights Protection Law and the relevant international agreements. The topics covered include industrial property areas such as patents, trademarks, industrial models, and new plant varieties, as well as literary property areas such as copyright and related rights, traditional knowledge, genetic resources, and folklore, and the relationship of these topics to social and economic development.

The training course topics are useful for all members of society, as we all use many products and services that involve intellectual property rights on a daily basis. This training course is particularly useful for researchers, students, business owners, companies, innovators and creators in various scientific, literary, artistic and industrial fields.

The online distance learning system provides flexibility in choosing the appropriate time and place of study for the participant. The scientific material for all training course units is available in a form that can be easily saved on the participant's computer or printed. The training course platform also provides discussion forums through which the participant can communicate at the appropriate time with a group of trainers specialized in various fields of intellectual property and with other participants.

There are no fees to participate in the training course, as it is provided in the form of a free scholarship.

By successfully passing the final exam, the participant obtains a certificate accredited by the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in Egypt for completing the training course.

To create an account for the first time on the training course website, please visit the following link:

To register directly for the training course, please visit the following link: (Please copy the link to your search engine):

For inquiries and assistance, please contact the training course management email:

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