A Report on the Faculty Council Meeting No. (593)

Faculty Council Meeting No. (593) was held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at exactly ten o'clock in the morning in the Faculty Council meeting hall, headed by Professor Dr. Sherif Masoud El-Badawy, Dean of the Faculty, and attended by: faculty Vice Deans, heads of academic departments, directors of specific programs, and a number of faculty members.
The session was opened by Professor Dr. Sherif Masoud El-Badawy, where:
- He congratulated all attendees on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha.
- He provided instructions that must be followed and applied during the exam time, and to adhere to the exam correction dates and not to delay them.
- He congratulated the students who won first places in the Huawei Global Competition, and the Hult Prize Competition.
- He congratulated members of the assisting staff for obtaining the scholarship funded by the European Union to attend a full semester at one of the universities in Romania.
- He praised the activities carried out by the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector, such as holding a symposium entitled "Solutions derived from nature to deal with water issues and sustainable development".
- He praised the Artificial Intelligence Engineering Program and Electronics and Communications Department student projects competition.
- He mentioned the social events that took place, such as the pension honoring ceremony, and the hospitality ceremony for faculty international students at the Nile Club.
- He talked about the visit of the Egyptian-Japanese University to the faculty.
- He explained what is being done regarding the Visual Identity Committee at the faculty.
- He referred to the announcement of the 2024 Youth Competition to empower youth and support innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of health and population in Egyptian universities.
- He mentioned some of the activities of the Service Center, such as the visit of a team of faculty members to the faculty to conduct a test at the Ghitani Marble Factory.
- He supported and encouraged the idea of ​​providing practical training courses to students through faculty members and assistants in the scientific departments.
- He presented a follow up on the progress of the faculty members participating in the internal funded project.
- He briefed the attendees on the visit of the Finnish delegation to the faculty, the purpose of the visit, and the activities that took place during the delegation's visit to the faculty.
- He explained the procedures for annual citation in faculty journal.

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