A Report on a Workshop Entitled: “Problem-Solving Skills and Decision-Making Ability”


The Faculty of Engineering organized a workshop on problem-solving skills and decision-making ability, in cooperation with the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector and the Faculty’s Strategic Future Unit, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sherif Masoud El-Badawy, Dean of the Faculty, and the leadership of Prof. Dr. Amira Yasin Heikal, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, AP. Dr. Bishoy ElKis Sidhom, Director of the Strategic Future Unit, Professor Abeer Tawakkol Khalil, Director of the Artificial Intelligence Program and Head of the Training and Capacity Development Committee in the Strategic Future Unit. Presented by Dr. Amira Kamal, Business Administration lecturer and Director of the Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Commerce, in the presence of a large number of faculty administrative staff, on Sunday, March 17, 2024, in the hall of Prof. Dr. Al-Saeed Ashour, at exactly ten o’clock in the morning.
The workshop presented a number of topics, the most important of which are: explaining the strategy for handling problems, the causes of any problem must be identified before thinking about finding solutions to it, clarifying what the pillars of any problem are, presenting the most common mistakes when dealing with a problem, presenting the methods of dealing with the problem, and the stages of the problem solving process.
At the end of the workshop, Dr. Amira Kamal divided the attendees into two groups, one of which was the category of managers and the second category of employees. A scenario was created to simulate a problem that might occur between the two groups while following a brainstorming method to overcome and find a solution to this problem.
It is worth noting that Dr. Amira Kamal, the workshop lecturer, was honored, as Prof. Dr. Amira Yasin, Prof. Dr. Bishoy Elkis, and Prof. Dr. Abeer Tawakkol presented a certificate of appreciation in the name of the Faculty of Engineering to her in appreciation of her effort and excellence in presenting the content of the workshop, she created an atmosphere of interaction and rich exchange by presenting diverse ideas which had a positive and beneficial impact for all attendees.

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