Important Announcement

Launching the Bio-iChallenge program to support innovation and provide solutions to the challenges facing Egyptian industries
Are you an innovative student team in the final or semi-final year at an Egyptian university, and would like to work on a real industrial challenge, under the supervision of industry specialists and distinguished academic supervision, and also obtain funding of up to 50 thousand pounds?

If yes, then Bio-iChallenge is what you are looking for.

The Innovators Support Fund is pleased to announce the launch of the Bio-iChallenge program to support innovation and provide solutions to the challenges facing Egyptian industries, especially in the fields of food, health, beauty products, and biotechnology.

Students participating in the program receive the following benefits:

• Financial support of up to 50 thousand pounds from the Fund.

• Technical, technical and engineering support from specialists and experts from participating companies until the end of the project.

• Providing facilities and equipment from participating companies to implement the project with the best quality.

• Using the scientific and technical capabilities available in the participating universities and research centers.

• A financial incentive for the academic supervisor if the team succeeds in reaching a solution to the industrial challenge.

• An opportunity to present what you have achieved in an exhibition that will be held specifically to honor the participating teams, academic supervisors, and our industrial partners.

Are you ready to accept the challenge?

For more information, visit the following link:

Deadline for submission


Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

#Innovators_and_Genius_Sponsor_Fund #Sponsor_of_Innovators_in_Egypt #Innovation

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