“Mansoura University Institutional Project to Link Scientific Research with Industry” - “Bridges of Giving”

Scientific research plays a vital role in developing industry. It contributes to the discovery of new technologies, improving the quality of products, enhancing production efficiency, in addition to improving the use of industrial processes and reducing negative environmental impacts. From this standpoint, Mansoura University has paid attention to the importance of linking scientific research to societal issues, through developing the system of scientific research and scientific activities in addition to activating the mechanisms of its research work. Paying attention to issues related to development, presenting the results of scientific research, and developing appropriate solutions to all the obstacles it faces.

In this regard, the Graduate Studies and Research Sector at Mansoura University is launching the beginning of a project:

“Mansoura University Institutional Institution for Linking Scientific Research with Industry” “Bridges of Giving”

This will take place on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at the Delta level, aiming to activate the link between scientific research and industry, through a number of axes and goals that achieve the Sustainable Development Strategy (Egypt) (2030) launched by His Excellency Abdel Fattah El-Sisi - President of the Republic. In this regard, the faculty members, the supporting staff, and the researchers are kindly requested to access the attached electronic link, and it is necessary to complete all the data in the link:



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