A Report on the Faculty Council No. (588)

The faculty council No. (588) was held on Monday, January 15, 2024, at ten o’clock in the morning in the Faculty Council meeting room, under the chairmanship of Professor Dr. Sherif Masoud Al-Badawi, interim dean of the faculty, and in the presence of the faculty vice deans, heads of scientific departments, and directors of specific programs.
The session was opened by welcoming the attendees, then:
⁃ Prof. Dr. Sherif wished all the attendees a happy New Year, and a Merry Christmas.
⁃ Offered words of condolence for the death of the wife of Professor Dr. Ali Al-Boz and the mother of Dr. Mustafa Ali Al-Boz, the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
⁃ Congratulated some faculty members for their promotion.
⁃ Presented the timetable for nominating the position of dean of the faculty.
⁃ Thanked the organizers of MEPCON Conference for their outstanding efforts in organizing the conference, and success of it.
⁃ Briefed the attendees on the workshop on the legal aspects of examination work for faculty members and the supporting staff, which aimed to acquire legal information that would facilitate and control examinations.
⁃ Talked about the visit of Prof. Dr. Ashraf El-Damaty, Professor of Civil Engineering at Western University in Canada, regarding the dual doctorate agreement between Mansoura Engineering and Western Engineering.
⁃ Presented what was done regarding the oral interviews of applicants for the internal funded project to enrich scientific research and improve opportunities for obtaining research projects funded by the faculty.
⁃ Mentioned honoring Mr. Ihab Mustafa, the former finance officer at the faculty, on the occasion of reaching retirement age.
⁃ Referred to the celebration of the Career Development Center volunteers.
⁃ Talked about the “ Hybrid Coastal Structures with Wave Energy Converters” workshop.
⁃ Praised the Architecture Department’s exhibition, which was held to display student proposals for designing the new faculty library.
⁃ Spoke about the visit of Prof. Dr. President of the University, to inspect the central student building.
⁃ Presented what was done regarding concluding a cooperation protocol between the faculty and the Wedge Clothes Factory, mentioning the benefit accruing to the faculty as a result of concluding and activating this protocol.
⁃ praised the winning of the Blue Sirens team from Mansoura University in the Innovators Support Fund, the Robo Soccer competition, the organization of Mansoura Robotics team, and the winning of our students in the qualifying round for the Huawei IT exam.
⁃ Clarified the annual citation transactions in the Faculty Scientific journal.
Then He moved on to discuss the topics on the agenda and make decisions regarding them with the members of the esteemed Faculty Council.

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