Faculty of Engineering Holds a Workshop for Developing Commercial Sea Ports Proposals

Within the framework of the Egyptian state's plan for sustainable development, building new cities, and economic development, EgyptVision 2030.
Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim Mohamed, Dean of the Faculy of Engineering, the leadership of Prof. Dr. Sahar Sidqi, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs and supervision of the executive management of Building and Construction Engineering program.
Ports and marine facilities engineering program team, Dr. Reda Diab, Dr. Karim Nassar, Eng. Sabri Fouda and Eng. May Al Ketbi, held a workshop on developing proposals for commercial sea ports, tourist yacht marinas, sea fishing ports, and recreational waterfronts that could be added as economic development areas in the coastal area within and near New Mansoura City.
It is worth noting that this workshop is characterized by the drawings of the students of the program;General Layout and Master Plan.

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