A Report on the Faculty Council Meeting No. (582)

The Faculty Council meeting No. (582) was held on Monday, July 17, 2023 at exactly ten o’clock in the morning in Prof. Dr. Rashad El Badrawy Conference Hall, where the council was chaired by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty, and in the presence of faculty vice deans, heads of departments, program directors and representatives of some institutions of the external community.
The session was opened by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty, where his Excellence:
- Started the meeting by welcoming the esteemed council members.
- Offered words of lamentation and sincere condolences for the death of those who passed away: Prof. Dr. Abdel Latif Al-Husseini, Department of Spinning and Textile Engineering, Prof. Dr. Jamal Sultan, former head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, who died while performing his work yesterday in the faculty, and the wife of Prof. Dr. Magdy Samuel, Director of the Technical Workshops Unit, Mr. Sameh Fayez, Mechanics Laboratories, and the student Abdel Rahman, Department of Computer and Systems Engineering.
- Extended his warm wishes and sincere congratulations on the occasion of the new Hijri year and the anniversary of the July 23 revolution.
-Talked about his meeting with members of the faculty administrative staff.
- Referred to the summer training camp for students of the University Scholarship Program.
-Explained what has been done with regard to research projects funded by the Arizona Energy Excellence Agreement.
- Mentioned the summer activity of the Technolides Team at the Nile Club, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Abeer Tawakul, Director of the Medical Engineering Program for Postgraduate Studies.
- Talked about the visit of Prof. Dr. Tamer Al-Nadi, the technical advisor for the energy excellence agreement that was concluded.
- Briefed the attendees about the faculty's annual report.
-Explained the mechanism for summer courses registration, as well as the nominations of the subcommittees for the academic year 2023/2024.
- Informed the audience that a competition will be held for all members of the assisting staff through a jury based on several criteria that have been set in order to select the best three members of the assisting staff, and three financial prizes will be given to them by the faculty.
- Confratulated Prof. Dr. Osama Rawy, on his promotion to a professor.
- Promised the managers of quality programs, with a recent financial increase.
- Honored Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahdi, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, for reaching the age of retirement, expressing his sincere thanks and great appreciation for his work as a vice dean of students for the faculty, wishing him success, and a fruitful future ahead, God willing.
-Honored each of Dr. Mohamed Ragab, Dr. Mohamed Sami, Dr. Mohamed Rizk, Dr. Mohamed Awad, Dr. Mohamed Jar El Alam, Dr. Mahmoud Sami, for their excellency winning research projects.
- Congratulated the student, Mustafa Nasser, Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design, where he offered him words of motivation and support, and presented him with a certificate of honor for winning the Hult Prize competition for reaching the final stage in the competition for the best campus manager, and Mr. Mohamed Abdel Salam, Director of the Procurement and Supply Department, for reaching the age of retirement.
Then, His Excellency moved to discuss the topics on the agenda and took decisions regarding them with the members of the esteemed Faculty Council.

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