Announcing the L'Oréal Egypt Grant in Partnership with UNESCO

Grants and Scholarships

The Egyptian National Committee for UNESCO announced opening calls to apply for the L'Oreal-UNESCO Egypt Program for Women in Science, 2023 for distinguished young Egyptian researchers for the quality of their research work, in cooperation with the L'Oréal Egypt Foundation and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, 2023; with the aim of participating and rewarding young Egyptian women in the fields of physical sciences and life sciences.
The program aims to enhance and support the role of Egyptian women, highlighting their contribution in the field of scientific research, as well as increasing women's participation in the field of science in:
life sciences field (such as biology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, physiology, neurosciences, biotechnology, ecology, and behavioral sciences), as well as physical sciences (such as physics, chemistry, petroleum, engineering, mathematics, engineering sciences, information sciences, earth and universe sciences),
He explained that two grants of 10,000 euros each or its equivalent in the local currency will be awarded to two Egyptian researchers working in post-doctoral studies in a research laboratory, institute or university in Egypt.
In addition, one grant of 6,000 euros or its equivalent in the local currency will be provided to an Egyptian researcher who is pursuing her PhD studies in a research laboratory, institute or university in Egypt.

To apply for this program, you can access the following electronic link:

This is before a deadline of July 30, 2023.

For more information about this program, you can access the following electronic link:

You will also receive the CVs of the candidates, as well as your inquiries, through the following contact information:

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phone-number: 01008909196

To communicate with the Awards Office at Ain Shams University via e-mail:

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To apply to the university database for awards, fill in the link

Award information

Registration start: 30/5/2023
Award classification: various scientific awards
Registration end: 30/07/2023
Award Presenter: L'Oréal Egypt Foundation - Academy of Scientific Research under the supervision of the Egyptian National Committee for UNESCO

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