A Report on the Preparatory Meeting for the MEPCON Conference 2023, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University

The delegation of the leading committee of the Middle East International Conference on Electrical Power Systems (MEPCON), visited the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, on Thursday, March 16, 2023. This visit was the primary stage in preparation for holding the MEPCON Conference in December 2023.
A meeting was held in Prof. Dr. Rashad El-Badrawy Conference Hall, inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty, welcoming attendees and then giving a presentation highlighting the faculty's distinct capabilities and infrastructure that qualify it to host such a distinguished conference. Prof. Dr. Akram El-Metwally, Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, gave a presentation on the executive steps that were taken to prepare for the conference, starting with the establishment of the official page, launching the first announcement of the conference, the formation of the various committees for the conference, as well as accommodation, conference rooms and laboratories. The attendees inspected the halls proposed to be used during the conference and a number of laboratories. The university hotel was also inspected. An agenda was prepared and agreed upon, specifying activities that need to be accomplished prior to holding the MEPCON conference in December 2023.

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